Having worked in in the risk and safety management area of the oil and gas industry I have seen, and in small part helped, some of the leading operators work hard on improving their safety culture. The realisation in the industry has been that layers of processes and controls can only go so far. Front line staff need to remain aware of the risks they face and not become complacent such that they do not spot those small indicators that something is out of place. So creating a culture that counters this tendency toward complacency, or risk normalisation, has been a focus for oil and gas operators.
The oil and gas industry is not the only one that faces risks that could lead to catastrophic losses and the removal of the licence to operate. Financial institutions have faced such losses through failures in processes and controls around rogue trading, mis-selling of products and failures in anti-money laundering controls. The Basel Committee on Banking Stability (BCBS) as well as requiring banks to have sufficient capital to cover their market and credit risks also required banks make provision for potential losses from operational risks. Reducing these operational risks, which include internal and external fraud, mis-selling, market conduct, physical damage to assets, business disruption and procedural errors, can be tackled using approaches used successfully in the oil and gas industry: a mix of policies, procedures and controls as well as a fostering a culture that from the boardroom to the frontline is aware of their role in managing the risks the organisation faces.
However, experience has shown that the cultural shift required in an organisation is easier to achieve in the oil and gas industry because it is much easier to personalise the consequences of failure. Frontline staff are literally in the line of fire but even for non-plant based staff and senior management, the personal consequences of dealing with the death or injury of colleagues is relatable and in most oil and gas sites and facilities there will be people who have experienced that low point.
In banking, it has been harder to personalise the consequences of operational risk failures because, in the most part, the losses are "just money". In taking some of the risk culture improvement approaches from oil and gas into banking, that ability to personalise risks has been a missing ingredient.
The threat posed by certain aspects of Financial Crime, however, can be used as a call to action for genuine cultural change in banking. The consequences for banks caught allowing criminals to use them for laundering proceeds of crime or being a conduit for the financing of terrorist activity are beyond tolerance levels. Making sure the bank does not get used for these activities can also be a way to personalise operational risks for the entire workforce. Everyone is aware of the social ills caused by crimes like drug dealing and would want to do all they can to stop it. Similarly, no bank employee would wish to inadvertently assist the financing of a terrorist act that led to the death and injury of innocent people.
As a rising tide raises all boats, mobilising a banking workforce to be aware of their role in preventing their bank being used for serious crime, will also help prevent other operational risks. Increased focus on areas like Know Your Customer (KYC) processes and unusual transaction identification will help tackle internal and external fraud as well stop the bank being used for drug money laundering or terrorist financing.
In any programme to improve operational risk management, banks should use the threat posed by serious crime to engage and mobilise the whole organisation in the change.
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